Sunday 18 November 2012


Salam semua...
Dah tiga hari tak update my blog.Sakit gigi punya pasal... tepaksalah berehat seketika huhuhu...Previous lesson dah faham tak macam mana nak jawab dan cari jawapan nya?  Mmmmm.. ari ni nk bercerita sikit tentang tip dan teknik nk jawab soalan Section B and Section C. Dah ready? Jom...

In section B ( questions 11-15), different social situations are given through speech bubbles in the pictures. Before proceeding to the options (A,B,C and D), look at the picture and then read the dialogues in the speech bubbles. Understand the social function in the questions (to enquire, to assure, to inform, to explain, to apologize). Then choose the best sentence that fits the empty speech bubble base on the social function. Don't forget : 
~ correct social expression with clues
~ suitable vocabulary on given situations
~ parts of speech based on clues.

Q: Keep them in the drawer

A. What shall I do with the knives?
B. Can I keep them in the drawer?
C. Where are the knives?
D The knives are blunt.

Q : Thank you.It"s nice of you

A. I would like to send this parcel.
B. Happy wedding anniversary.
C. I've got a present for you.

Alahai..senang cerita..cari saja jawapan yang berbentuk positif atau yang ada nilai murni. Sebelum tu bandingkan dulu jawapan tu dengan dialog tu..agak-agak sesuai dan jawapan nya bersopan dan beradab..memang sah le tu jawapan nya. Sebab itu pentingnya baca kesemua jawapan yang diberi. Jangan terpedaya dengan dialog dan jawapan yang seakan-akan sama. Contohnya:

Q : This coffee tastes bitter

A.I'm sorry. I forgot to add sugar.
B. Don't drink if you don't like it.
C. I'm sorry. I've put it too much sugar.
D Bitter coffee is good for diabetic.

Bagi yg gopoh..gerenti tengok perkataan 'bitter' terus jawab D kn...mmm...baca sayang oooiii..jangan tak baca jawapannya... the correct answer is A.
Ok now..kita tengok pula tips to answer questions section C. Here pupils are required to answer questions on grammar, punctuation and spelling. 
For questions 16- 20, pupils need to read the questions and understand the grammar rules that need to be applied. After choosing the answer, you need to think whether the answer you have chosen is the best answer. Reason out the answer by recalling rules you have learnt.

Q: The about you when I went to the shop yesterday.
A. ask
B. asks
C. asked
D. asking

Look at for the clues. The clue is yesterday. Means the sentence is in the past tense. so the answer is C.

Q: The king cobra is the..........snake in the world.
A. poison
B .more poison
C. most poison

The clue is..the. so the answer is C. Why? Tu yang kena faham..mana-mana verb atau kata kerja yang didepannya ada' the' mesti ditambah 'most' atau 'iest'atau'est'. Contohnya..pretty jadi prettiest.

Next, questions 21..choosing similar or opposite meaning.( antonym or synonym). When answering questions on synonym or antonym, make sure you give the synonym or antonym in the context( the meaning of the word used in the sentences) and not in its general...Soalan ni memang kena banyak membaca dan hafal perkataan-perkataan yang seerti dan berlawanan untuk memudahkan you all menjawab...Ingat tu..!

For Questions 22-23. When choosing the answer for punctuation questions, pupils need to read all the options given. While reading the sentences, circle the errors. Then compare the sentence with the other options in the question until you find the sentence without errors.

For spelling, question 24 -25. Pupils need to read the option given carefully.After that compare the words with the other options and choose the word that has correct spelling. Tang ni..plak. .kena banyak practice spelling and memorize least 10 words per day.

Orait..setakat ni je dulu. InsyaAllah saya sambung lagi esok... Opps..esok UPSR Results..mmmm GOOD LUCK  to All the candidates, my students and of course MYSELF....Nervous tau...!!!

Ape-ape pun enjoy yourself with this....

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